MAGGI® Professional White Pasta Sauce Mix21 g
Milk300 ml
Chopped garlic10 g
Chopped onion30 g
Chopped parsley10 g
Mushroom ¼ cut30 g
Carrot cubes40 g
Beans cubes40 g
Broccoli cubes40 g
Zucchini cubes40 g
Baby corn cubes40 g
Bell pepper cubes30 g
Veg. stock50 ml
Oregano2 g
Chili flakes3 g
Grated mozzarella cheese30 g
Grated processed cheese20 g (Amul)
Saltto taste
Crushed peppera pinch
Butter30 g
Prepare Baked Vegetables
Step 1
Make white sauce following the pack method of preparation (using MAGGI® Professional White Pasta Sauce Mix and milk).
Step 2
In a pan, add butter, garlic, onion, oregano, crushed pepper, chili flakes, carrot cubes, mushroom cut, beans cubes, broccoli cubes, and zucchini cubes, baby corn cubes & bell pepper cubes.
Step 3
Sauté this for 2 minutes.
Step 4
Add the veg stock, salt, processed cheese & white sauce and mix it well.
Step 5
Cook it for 2-3 minutes, till the vegetables are cooked & you get your desired consistency (semi-thick).
Step 6
Pour the above into a mould & top it with grated mozzarella cheese.
Step 7
Then gratinate it under the salamander or bake it in the oven.
Serve hot.
*The recipes have been designed with the help of our products to retain the flavour, texture, appearance for the time of delivery (30 – 40 mins from being made to end consumer delivery). Please note that any change in ingredient (type/quantity), method of preparation and the type of packaging used will have an impact on the delivery friendliness of the recipes.