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Coffee Machine
Following coffee machine(s) will enable you to serve this recipe to your customers.
Brew like a barista with a bean-to-cup machine and serve over 80 customizable beverages.
Products Used
Following product(s) will enable you to serve this recipe to your customers.
A cold coffee premix for a frothy and delicious cold coffee to enliven your customers’ mood.
Related Offerings
Brew like a barista with a bean-to-cup machine and serve over 80 customizable beverages.
Related Recipes
A harmony of coffee and a rich dose of comforting chocolate for a perfect heart-warming treat
A soothing cup of Cappuccino with a sprinkle of cocoa for a mild chocolatey taste
This foamy and creamy cup is an all time classic with a slightly strong coffee taste
A rich and chocolatier cup than Café Mocha - it's a soothing delicacy worth indulging in!